What to Expect

During the treatment, you will lie comfortably (fully clothed), and close your eyes. Relaxing music will be playing, while the practitioner does the treatment. Sometimes, the hands will be just hovering, others touching. The full treatment lasts approximately one hour.

Some people feel heat, others tingling, and others don’t feel very much. The sensation may vary, but the Reiki session, at the end, does its work, helping restore balance and bring on much needed relaxation to your body,  to support  your own natural ability to heal.

After the session, we are more than glad to answer any questions you may have regarding the Reiki practice.

I guess we would like to add a caveat: although Reiki works wonders, it doesn’t work miracles. One session will go a long way towards helping balance your energy, and start shifting you towards a healthier lifestyle. But to feel the difference you may want to consider a number of sessions as well as adding meditation to your daily routine or a change of diet. It all adds up!


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