
A Reiki treatment is balancing at every level, and can help anyone.

On the physical side,  you will feel a deep relaxation, a slower heart rate and easier breathing. It will help restore your body’s energetic balance, which can help support your body’s natural ability to heal.

On the emotional side, Reiki brings comfort, peace of mind and a lightness we rarely experience in a world whose pace is getting faster and faster every day.

Reiki is safe: it’s non-invasive and there is nothing in it that can interfere with any medication you may be taking. Actually, many renowned hospitals—such as the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer in New York—have started offering Reiki treatments to complement their traditional health care.

If you want to know more, send us an e-mail. We can tell you about some of our patients’ experience as well as ours—after all, the practice has changed our lives.


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